6. Station: Wood Protection

Wood protection is a special animal-friendly tool with which we can help several completely different species. The lower level provides daytime and winter shelter for our spiny-backed friends, the eastern hedgehogs, and in the hot summer season it is an attractive cooling place for various reptiles (e.g. nimble lizards) and amphibians (e.g. brown toads).

The central parts lined with perforated bricks, tiles, and wood act as insect hotels: they serve as nesting, wintering, and hiding places for various solitary bees, wasps, and insects, such as our favorite, the seven-spotted ladybug.

Field mice can take possession of the underground burrows hidden in the depths of the tree trunk, much to the delight of the barn owls living in the area.

Seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata): got its name from the seven white spots that decorate its red wing covers. It begins its life cycle as an egg, which becomes the larva, and then, after pupation, the adult beetle (adult). Already in its larval stage, it feeds on aphids and aphids, and it does not abandon this habit even as an adult beetle, which is why it is a particularly useful organism for farmers. It spends the winter in hibernation, followed by the mating cycle in the spring, after which it ends its life journey shortly. Not protected in Hungary.

Field mouse (Mus agrarius Pall): The field mouse is an extremely prolific small mammal found throughout Europe. It lives in extensive dens and creates complete “mouse castles”. It leads a nocturnal lifestyle and is a cautious small mammal. Its food consists mainly of cereal crops, various grasses and seeds, but it also eats worms and insects. They are the prey of many predators, including birds of prey. Not protected in Hungary.

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Do you know? What folk names do the seven-spotted ladybug call?

Ladybug, ladybird, lady beetle, lady clock, lady cow and lady fl

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