Areas overgrown with trees and shrubs offer attractive habitats and breeding grounds for bird species other than the inhabitants of den colonies. The black pines that dominate the area and the hawthorn, rosehip, sedge and ice bushes that surround them, and the common devil’s thread that stretches between them, form a dense web that favors several species of birds that nest in the bush, such as the black thrush, warbler, warbler, but they find shelter the house and field sparrow, the goshawk and the robin among their branches from predators.
Black thrush (Turdus medula) is one of our most common songbirds. The males are completely black, the eggs have brownish plumage. Our permanent bird feeds on worms (e.g. earthworms), insects (e.g. horse lice) and larvae (e.g. sedges) from spring to autumn, and only switches to different berries (e.g. rosehips, elderberries, hawthorns, ivy) in the winter. They hide their nest in bushes, trees, sometimes on buildings, and lays 4-6 eggs in them. Its branches leave the nest, i.e. they jump out of it over time. This is the most dangerous period for them, since they cannot fly yet, they reach the science of flight with ever higher jumps. Their parents feed them even after leaving the nest, signaling each other with a characteristic call. Protected in Hungary
(Aegithalos caudatus) This bird with a body weight of barely 7-10 grams makes a nest out of moss in dense bushes and then lines it with tiny feathers. German researchers opened several abandoned nests and counted them, in some of which they found two thousand pieces of down. Since it starts nesting quite early, it builds a closed nest, to the entrance of which a pen that functions as a swing door is attached. They always work in pairs, both the female and the male take part in nest building. It is a sociable bird, it lives in groups and if a pair fails to breed, its members help in raising the chicks of their teammates. Our resident bird, protected in Hungary.
Ökörszem (Troglodytes troglodytes) Hazánk és Európa egyik legkisebb madara, súlya mindössze 6-8 gramm között mozog. Gömb alakú, zárt fészkét általában talajközelbe, alámosott partoldalakba, sűrű növényzet takarásába építi. Állandó madarunk, Magyarországon védett.
Do you know? What food can you use to help our dear bird, the black thrush, during the winter?
During the winter, the black thrush mainly eats various fruits and the flesh of fruits left over from autumn. Since it basically feeds on the ground, we can make it happy with an apple cut in half on the ground, or a nut that has been cracked open but left in its shell.