1. Station: Home of the small - the "A" type nesting box

We can help our smallest nesting birds with it. With a surface area of barely 10 cm2, several domestic tit species (e.g. blue tit, friend’s tit, bubo’s tit and pine tit) build a nest made of grass, roots, and straw, which they make warm and soft by lining it with moss and animal hair. Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) This clownish, nimble little bird with a weight of just 9-13 grams can be found here all year round, and is a frequent guest of winter bird feeders. Don’t let anyone be fooled by its tiny stature, it’s a dreaded insect killer and it also fights its seeds on feeders. Its food consists of caterpillars, butterflies, insects, in winter we can help its nutrition with oil seeds and zinc balls. It is a protected species in Hungary. Friend’s tit (Poecile palustris) This small bird, similar in size to the blue tit, but much less common, got its name from its distinctive cap. Its nesting and feeding habits are also similar to its blue-jacketed relative, they are also useful aids in reducing pests. Our permanent bird, a protected species in Hungary.

"A" típusó odú
"A" típusó odú

Do you know? What is the popular name of our nimble, mobile, common bird, the blue tit? 

The bird commonly known as a “tit” belongs to the family Paridae. The name can be traced back to their jumping movement . Here are some alternative names and related species:

Kék cinege, fotó Potyó Imre
Kék cinege, fotó Potyó Imre
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